Saturday, February 7, 2009

Rowing, Spinning, and Chest

This is a fun workout. Nice change of pace from the standard stuff.

2,000 Meter Row on Concept 2 rower for time. Keep watts at least 1- 1.5 times body weight
20 min spin bike ride keep heart rate at least 80%
Bench Press- Follow progression and time record the sets, reps, and weights and time to finish and heaviest weight lifted. start sets every 90 seconds, not 90 seconds rest. Start on 0 then set 2 at 180 seconds, then set 3 at 240 seconds, then set 5 at 300 seconds(5minutes) ect.......
Set 1. 1/2 bw to failure ( at least 30 reps)
set 2. +20 lbs
set 3. +20 lbs
set 4. +20 lbs
set 5. +10lbs
set 6. +10lbs
set 7. +10 lbs
set 8. +10lbs
set 9,10, 11, 12 + 5lbs

Hopefully you see the progression. Try this workout once every 10 days. Your bench press strength will go through the roof. Record data and send to me. I am curious to see your improvement over 6 workouts or 60 days.

Train Hard,
