Friday, November 14, 2008

Tennis Agility Test High School

Here is a good agility test, with a power component for High School Athletes. Is use it for Tennis Players.

Standing Broad Jump 1st try__________, 2nd___________.(ft and inches)
Rest 2 min
Lateral Agility Using Foam Rollers
- lateral step test 5 reps, Time1_________, Time 2________. (rest 1min btw sets 1 and 2)
Rest 2 min
T agility Run on Court Time 1_________, Time 2________. (rest 1min btw sets 1 and 2)
Rest 2min
Pro agility Test Time 1_________, Time 2________. (rest 1min btw 1 and 2)
Rest 2min
Tennis court shuttle run Time 1_________, Time 2________.(rest 1min btw 1 and 2)
(sideline and back is one rep, must do 6 reps touching line for it to count)

Total time to perform the sets of each exercise will give you the athletes score. Ex. if all 4 exercise took exaclty 1min to perofrm the athletes score would be 8min or 480 seconds.

Use both times and add them up Athlets score is _________(This test is specific and measurable if reps and sets are performed corectly, it is also best if you stick to the order and the rest periods exactly so there are not so many variables) Please respond back with your athlets age, sport, and score.

For the Broad jump just keep the best jump and record.

Fat Burning Sprint Workout #1

This is for anyone wanting to train hard in and train smart in a short period of time. The only thing is you have to be willing to try to run as fast as you can safely. In other words push hard.

10 minute warmup
Jog 2 minutes
shoulder circles 10 fwd 10 back
toe touches 10 rapid fire
10 air squats(Body Weight Squts)
10 jumping jacks
10 push ups
Repeat 1x
Speed Ladder
-2 ft forward
-2 ft each side
- Icky Shuffle
- Hip Hops
repeat 2-3x

Light stretching if needed, nothing major
6x 20 yard sprints ( Walk back recovery)
1min break
5 x 50 yd sprints( 45 recovery)
1min break
4 x 100 yd sprints (1:30 recovery)
2 min break
4 x 10 tuck jumps( rapid fire)

Stretch appropriately!!! IF needed roll out on Black Foam Roller( reduces soreness and speeds recovery)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

My Level 1 Crossfit Experience

I have been a trainer for 13+ years and have stayed current with certs and continuing education. I specialize in high level functional fitness. I found a program that talked my language, a language I have had a hard time communicating to the public.

Crossfit specializes in high level functional fitness. When I say high level I mean intensity is cranked way up, technique is taught and expected at a high level, focus is high, goals can be measured and practice is a must.

They use a term called scalable, which in turn means anybody can do the workouts if you scale them down to the level the athletes are participating at. In other words program and teach at the level of the athlete.

I can see how Crossfit could get a bad rap, from the outside it looks like the trainers are pushing only crazy, ridiculously intense workouts to all. I found this not to be true. They teach form to the best of their ability and then require that form be executed as perfect as possible before intensity is brought into the workout.

Once the basics are mastered and required skills are in place the athlete better watch out because intensity is the name of the game.

Is Crossfit the real deal? I say yes. A good trainer is a must, not just some one who can yell at you and make you puke.....this may happen but that should be a side benefit of your workout not the main focus.

As I continue my Crossfit Journey I will keep you posted. I look forward to trying to incorporate this style of workout with many of my clients and camps.

If you want to see the what it is all about go to go deeper than just looking at the pictures and the videos, read a little or even better read allot. Get educated on what is being taught there is more to it than one might be led to believe.

Investigate, you may learn something. I did!!!

If you want to try a crossfit workout call me I have a location in Coppell and in Lewisville, I would to introduce you to a new yet old way to get fit....
Tobi Fisk

Myofascial Release using Rollers

How to keep the knees, hips and back feeling better.

First of all just start. Get a roller, I like the black hi density rollers, my wife likes the pink low dinsity rollers. She is much smaller than and I and has alot less muscle mass. That said I know many women that use the Hi density black rollers with no problems.

IT/TFL 3-5 min per leg (keep leg as soft as possible and slowly roll up and down the IT/Tfl. Go even slower over the very tender spots and try to work out the tissue.

Hamstrings 1-2 min per leg

Upper Quads and Flexors 1-2 min per side

Lumbar and thoracic spine: 5-10 times up and down the spine

I have found that foam rolling helps all athletes, football players, hockey players, cyclist, runners, crossfitters, gym rats. This tool is even more valuable for my athletes over 30.

Incorporate this into your workouts try to spend a few minutes before and a few minutes after your workout. The soreness and normal aches that you usually have especially in the knees, hips, and low back is dramatically reduced or eliminated.

More to come about foam rolling!!!!

This stuff really works call if you are in Coppell or Flowermound and want to learn how to use a $25 dollar product that will blow your mind and release your muscle.

Simple intense warm up and workout 0001

Try this:

Warm up:

10 shoulder cicircles fwd/ back

25 jumping jacks

20 yds hi knee skips

20 yds butt kicks

10 yard tin soldiers

10 yards single leg walking rdl

25 yds Carioka rt/ 25 yds lft

10 push ups

15 air squats

10 standing tuck crunches

Rest if needed and repeat

Intense workout at any local park( any type of jungle gym equipment)

also can be performed in any gym in america with a dip bar and a pull up bar.

10 pull ups

10 dips

10 chin ups

10 dips

Run 2min as fast as possible

Rest 2min and repeat 4 times

Entire workout should take 30 min or less.....Add this to your workout routine 1 time per week to crank up the intensity and the results.

For info on Creative intense workouts contact:

Tobi Fisk